The first IoE course “‘We Live, you Live and the mute ‘Other’ was launched by the Vice Chancellor on 09 -Aug-2021.
Details can be found at
The response from UoH students and from various places in India has been terrific.
RC 2 project proposals – the approvals have come in and intimated to PIs, except in cases where reviews are pending.
RC 3 proposals – the review process is underway, and we are working on the reviewers to send their reports on time so that the Research Steering Committee meeting can be held to finalize.
RC 4 proposals – the review process is underway.
Seminars, workshops and talks from IoE funded projects have been held throughout 2021, details of which will be in the Annual Report.
The Annual Report of the IoE has been approved by the IoE Governing Board and will now go to the Executive Council, after which it will be placed on the IoE website.